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martyboy 9:29 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
Bom you on a loosing battle mate, we have too many shit cunt fans like Vexed. No hope mate.

Bom Stickle 9:21 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
I've been speaking to someone from KUMB today and he was saying no one knew about it so maybe next time (if there is one) we just need more fans to spread the word. No surprise that in the BML it was only blokes over 30 in there, no youngsters at all.

Still hoping that it was just that no one knew about it, not that people don't care anymore.

One thing that could be learned is that anything too elaborate will simply not work until the numbers are there. Any ideas and maybe we can start working on it. What happened with EH and the flag are typical of the clubs scummy tactics.

B6NY B 8:02 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
So 150 get moved and treated like shit, but 50k turn a blind eye to watch football? Doesn't sit right

BMorris 7:46 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
It just goes to show that only 50 people agreed with this protest. Everyone else wants to watch football.

theaxeman 1:28 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal

Vexed 1:23 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
I blew out a ticket for today. A trip to the stadium just involves shit football and loads of fans acting like cunts then being surprised that they get thrown out. Then fucking whinging like this forever. Fucking tedious.

theaxeman 1:22 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal

Me too, disgrace tbis wasnt supported, i was thinking a 1000 would be A poor show there was 50! More gutted about tbat than getting fucked by arsenal

missy 1:18 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
I was there and can't believe it was so poorly supported. Gutted!

theaxeman 1:12 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
So vexed what did you do watch it on your stream?

Vexed 1:07 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
So I'm assuming this all went well then?

Bom Stickle 1:04 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
I was there with may kids and about 30 others, Bit of a shit turnout but what can you do.

Thanks for this that did take part. Now it looks like we will be trying to get EH's ban lifted. The club are cunts and we are now too cowardly to so fuck all about it.

theaxeman 1:00 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
I cant believe i witnessed the snatch squad at stoke game and they didn't get the granny bashed out of them and then today we didnt support our own getting banned for nisch. West Ham has truly died. Shame on you cunts who didnt support your fellow west ham brothers and sisters

normannomates 12:54 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal

Nobody has any bollocks these days.

All mouth...
Keep going lads

theaxeman 12:49 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
I was there with about 20 others,. SHAME on you who didnt support Bom

ornchurch ammer 12:44 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
Well, the planned walk out after 75 minutes was well supported!!

Stranded 11:45 Sat Dec 3
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
cam ‏@RobsonGK1 5h5 hours ago
So my dads been banned and escorted out by 12 stewards and now police because he wanted to bring a flag into the game!? JOKE OF A CLUB

Link to a photo of the flag

Pub Bigot 11:21 Sat Dec 3
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
Would anyone fancy meeting to push this? It may grow if we organise something together.

wanstead_hammer 11:12 Sat Dec 3
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
PB - yeh, the same.
Made our way round there before KO.
Shame it didn't take off. See a few put yellow caps on to wind the snatch squad lot up.
The banner would have made a difference. Shame If Eindhoven was slung out.
It's all over the shop over there football wise. What the fucks going on.

Hats off to Bom for all his effort trying to get iit off the ground.

Might be easier at the Burnley game when it ain't banged out over there. Which it prob won't be the way it's going.

Pub Bigot 10:18 Sat Dec 3
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
I was gutted the protest didn't take off. I arrived 10 minutes before KO and the stands were full.

It's shocking over there at the minute. Between bans, Robostewards and stewards celebrating oppo goals, makes leaving the Boleyn a travesty.

The board are liars, the team performances are limp and inept and the ground is an abomination.

park chan wook 8:54 Sat Dec 3
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
Fucking embarrassment.
Go Brady
Go silos brothers
Go slav
And fuck off half the players
Fair result though.

park chan wook 8:46 Sat Dec 3
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
Well suck my bruised plums.

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